So before we go to the main topic let’s know what SEO is.
SEO, search engine optimization. It’s the simple process where you optimize your articles or posts in your website such way that it’ll come on the top post when the selected keyword from the article is searched from Google.
I’m using Google here because Google is the number one search engine used worldwide.
List of most used Search engines
Site Alexa Traffic Rank Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors
Google 1 1,100,000,000
Baidu 5 564,000,000
Yahoo 4 350,000,000
Bing 24 300,000,000
Source : Wikipedia
So you saw what’s coming first and what’s coming last.
I’ll be using Google as the reference for the rest of the article.

What are the things required to have a good SEO?
1. Proper keywords.
Proper keywords in the sense the keywords relating to the article must only be used. Not anything else. Or else it’d be considered as keyword dumping which is bad for the website. Use minimum number of keywords. It should be between 4-10 depending upon the topics you’ve used in your article.

2. Make sure your article URL has the keyword or a word relating to the topic you’ve written.
For example if you’ve written about a phone say Samsung galaxy S6. Make sure your URL has the term Samsung galaxy S6. Which basically means I’ve used ‘ – ‘ because you can leave a space in an URL so it automatically changes to ‘ – ‘.
If you upload a picture in your article, YOU MUST have the term or keyword. Say your downloading a picture x which is saved as x.JPEG or x.PNG or whatsoever. Make sure you rename the photo and upload the picture. Say you’re writing about Samsung galaxy s6 and the image you clicked or downloaded. Make sure you rename the image to a term related to it. Here being Samsung galaxy s6 , you can rename to samsung-galaxy-s6.JPEG or anything. You might thing why I’m saying to rename a picture. Its because it helps you to go on top of the Google image search. You might not have chances to come on top of Google search. But you have many chances to come on top of the image search.

3. Publicize your posts as much as possible. For example our website has its page in facebook , Twitter , pinterest , Google+ . So what ever we post here, it’ll be automatically posted or shared over there. But be careful. Don’t share in many places. Limit yourself to maximum of 4 – 5 places. Wonder why I’m saying this? Its because when a set of your friends or family members follow your website everywhere, they’ll get pissed to see the same post everywhere. So that basically leads to dislike or unfollow. So limit the places where you share but make sure you share atleast at two places.

4. Make your own YouTube page and share what ever you want to.
So basically I come to the same point. When people search for something, they should come to your website.
How to I get to know what’s most searched in Google and what type of keywords should I use?
There are various ways. I’ll share one best way. Its by Google. You’d have guessed by now. It’s by using Google trends and Google AdWords.

Google trends. What is it?

Google trends is a website where you can get to know what’s searched where and how many times. It also shows a graph. The graph shows the ups and downs in different times. It may be years or weeks or days of hours. Its upon you. You also have an option to choose the country and by that way you get to know what’s the most searched or how many times your term is searched in the nearby region or country. So by that way you can write articles to increase your traffic. Google trends doesn’t need any technical knowledge and its very easy to use. It doesn’t need a Google account to use. I’m saying this because few Google services needs a Google account to access it.

Coming to Google AdWords. What is it?

As the name says yet its another service provided by Google. AdWords has two purposes. Let me explain the keyword thing. The other thing is about advertising through AdWords. Let’s know what is it about. So once you login with your Google account, you’ll see home , campaigns , opportunities and tools. Here’s what you have to do. Click tools and under that choose keyword planner. Once you click that, you should type in the required terms. Its nothing but whatever is asked. First you’ll be asked to type a product or service , then the landing page if possible. Landing page is nothing but the website where the final click is made. And then you’ll be asked to choose your product category. So once you’re done with choosing, there’ll be a column down below that which says Targeting. Its nothing but an option if you want to know what type of searches are made in your nearby area. If you leave it blank, it’ll show the world wide terms.
The final part of Google AdWords. Why should I use this?
Each time you write an article , you should type in relevant keywords for your article to easily find it through search engine. After the above process is done, you will know about the keywords under the keyword ideas column. So that’s how you get your relevant keywords. Sometimes keyword dumping might help for a new website. If you don’t mind about it, there’s a very simple way of finding the keyword. All you have to do is go to and type. Bam! That’s it.
There’s even an option to copy all to your clipboard to make it easier. But when you paste it in your keywords column after you write your article, it will take the whole thing as a keyword. Because it has to be separated with commas between each keyword to make each keyword as a separate keyword. Don’t worry. There’s another tool for it. Its known as comma separator. You don’t need to download or anything. You can do that online! Yes, at All you have to do is paste the copied keywords in the left box and click the >> button that’s all. Then go paste it in your keywords column. That’s all.

Hope this article is useful to you!
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