MT6577 to MT6577
MT6592 to MT6592
MT6572 to MT6572
MT6582 to MT6582
And works also for different SOC with same GPU
Before starting this tutorial, please make a backup of your ROM
I am not responsible for any damage to your device, this guide is for expert users.
You Need:
- Winrar, 7-Zip or similar
- Notepad++
- Tool for unpack/repack MTK boot.imgs
- Your Stock KitKat ROM
- One Lollipop ROM for port
- Brain
Step 1.- Unzip the port lollipop ROM and also the Stock ROM. Rename the lollipop ROM folder to Port ROM
Step 2.- Delete this files or folders in Port ROM folder and replace with your files from Stock ROM:
-system/etc/firmware <-- eneric.kl="" file="" folder="" keylayout="" lib="" modules="" pre="" system="" usr="">
Step 3.-Open system/lib/hw folder in Stock ROM folder, then select & copy all files and paste to inside the system/lib/hw folder in Port ROM replacing files.
Note: if you porting a ROM from a different SOC, delete this files before in port rom, like this: audio.primary.mt65xx.so, audio_policy.mt65xx.so, gralloc.mt65xx.so, hwcomposer.mt65xx.so, ligths.mt65xx.so, sensors.mt65xx.so etc.
Step 4.-Rename your stock kitkat boot.img to stockboot.img and the boot.img from Port ROM folder to portboot.img. Now unpack the boot.imgs, in ramdisk folder from decompiled portboot.img open the fstab (ramdisk/fstab or fstab.mt65xx) file with Notepad++ and edit (compare with the fstab.mt65xx of your decompiled stockboot.img) and save. Use the kernel 3.4.67(zImage)from your decompiled stockboot.img and the ramdisk folder from decompiled portboot.img, recompile it and put this new boot.img in Port ROM folder.
Step 5.- Open the updater-script in META-INF from port rom, open it with Netepad++. Edit the format &mount points(compare with your updater-script from stock META-INF)
format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p7", "0", "/system");[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=3]format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p5", "0", "/data");[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][SIZE=3]mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p7", "/system");
Step 6.- Zip the Port ROM folder and flash it in recovery mode and enjoy.
Source: XDA
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